Regional councils could lose their roles in approval of products sharing agreements

Draft law authored by Mykola Rudkovskyi #2438а dated 27.06.2013 proposes eliminate the role of regional councils in the process of products sharing agreements approval including those regulating shale gas extraction projects.

In particular, the draft law foresees to amend article 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On products sharing agreements”. According to the proposed amendments the drafts of products sharing agreements shall be agreed with the regional state administrations or state administrations of Kyiv or Sevastopol cities at the territories of which sub-soil resources area being transferred for use based on products sharing agreement is located. In the current version of the Law the right to approve products sharing agreements drafts belongs to regional councils.

It is also propose to eliminate relevant provisions on approving by regional councils the requests on transferring subsoil assets for use with the aim of exploration and development of underground resources of state value based on products sharing agreements from the Underground Resources Code of Ukraine and Law of Ukraine “On local authorities”.

As reported earlier, Chevron company continues negotiations on PSA text and still lacks approval of the draft agreement by Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regional councils.

  • Стуликов Артур

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